
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Blog Tour: Review of Eve 2.0 by Winter Lawrence

Author: Winter Lawrence
Publisher: Melange Books – Fire and Ice YA
Publication Date: August 2019

Just when Gwen thought she could beat any video game hands down, her boyfriend goes and gets her stuck in a top-secret government simulator named Eve 2.0. Being trapped within a couple of her favorite video games doesn’t seem so bad at first, but as time becomes a factor and the A.I. program begins to get smarter, Gwen soon realizes that winning or losing isn’t just about pride anymore; it’s about making it out alive.

So I will admit that I am not a serious gamer.  However, I do enjoy playing the occasional RPG game.  Unlike the main character in Eve 2.0, I prefer the RPG games because I like the puzzles.  Eve 2.0 involves Gwen, or "Teddy", as she likes to be called.  When her gamer kinda boyfriend sends her top secret gamer equipment from his father's lab, she ends up getting sucked into a game.that will take all of her gaming knowledge to survive.

I ended up really enjoying this book.  Once Teddy, Ben and Ryan got sucked into the game, things really took off for me.  Unlike some other stories where there is virtual reality, I had no problem being able to picture what they were doing in the games. The author did a wonderful job of setting the scenes and atmosphere for me. Desolation Peak was really creepy, but sounded like something I'd love to play.

More than just a gamer story, this is also a story about friendship and forgiveness.  I'll admit, I was rooting for Gwen and Ryan to reconcile with each other.   One interesting that I loved about EVE 2.0, the AI, was how she would not let Ben play in parts of the games because he was under age.  That was refreshing.  I think some kids play games that are too mature for them before they are really ready.  The author has set the tone for an enjoyable series.  I would recommend this to any YA reader. 

Purchase Links

About Winter Lawrence

Winter lives in the moment and loves nothing more than being surrounded by her family, her fur-babies, and a ton of great reads! When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in a book, she’s usually thinking up far away, fantastical worlds or she’s cooking up a storm in the kitchen! Because of her love for all things literary, Winter pursued a Master of Arts degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. Professionally, she is a manuscript editor and, in her spare time, she enjoys hosting author spotlights, posting book reviews, and teaching workshops. In her private time, she is an avid reader of science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romances, and one day she hopes to inspire young readers in the same way her favorite authors continue to inspire her today.

Find out more about Winter at her website and connect with her on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Review Stops

Tuesday, October 22nd: Becca Leighanne
Wednesday, October 23rd: Teachers Who Read
Thursday, October 24th: Bookworm for Kids
Friday, October 25th: Write – Read – Life
Monday, October 28th: Sincerely Karen Jo
Monday, October 28th: Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
Wednesday, October 30th: Instagram: @createexploreread
Thursday, October 31st: Instagram: @oddandbookish
Thursday, October 31st: From the TBR Pile
Friday, November 1st: Book Fidelity
Monday, November 4th: PhDiva
Tuesday, November 5th: Ms. Nose in a Book

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

DNF's Books of October

Bunny:  This is definitely going to be a book that you either love, hate or just don't get.  I fall into the third category.  I DNF'd it at 30%  I had no idea what was going on.  It definitely wasn't for me.  I would say skip it.  Love is too short.

Dear Wife:  I found this one boring and stopped half way through.  The characters were flat and unlikable.  The one woman on the run did things that didn't make sense.  I just really didn't care to see any of the twists that I knew were coming.

All Eyes on Us: I definitely was not the target audience for this book.  None of the teens seemed like they were the age they claimed to be. They came across as older. None of them were likable.  Do YA readers really like books like this one? 

Echo after Echo: This story was really strange.  Again, it came down to unlikable characters. Also, I could not believe that any parent would let their 17YO go to Manhattan to star in a Broadway show and not go with them.  It just wasn't believable.  Also, the director was creepy.  It just didn't work for me.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October Mini Musings

A Haunting on Bloodgood Row:  The think the second book in this series is still my favorite.  However, this third book was a good creepy read set in a series of haunted apartment buildings.  I would definitely read the first two books before this one   The readers learn  more about the characters as well as more about what happened to Cassidy's sister.  The dynamics are also changing in the group. I will be continuing on with the series.

Unbreak My Heart: This was just an OK romance.  I thought the couple was kind of boring.  I didn't feel the heat between the characters.  Honestly, I thought their love scenes were really dull.  Maybe that was the lack of enthusiasm coming from the narrators of the audiobook.  The ending was cute, but it wasn't enough to make up for the rest of the story.  Nothing really happened and the conflict between the two was unnecessary and easily cleared up through one conversation.

Make Me Lose: I really enjoyed this enemies to lovers story.   There was definitely a lot of attraction between this couple. I also loved their banter and their friendship.  I was rooting for Grayson to realize that he his hometown is where is heart would be at home.  Definitely recommend this one.

Love in the Stacks: This is a short office romance novella.  I didn't love the couple.  I didn't think they were very well matched.  Maybe if it had been longer I could have gotten to know the characters better and would have liked them more.  Not sure I would recommend this one.

A Share in Death: This is the first book in the Duncan Kincaid & Gemma James series.  It's a very much a first book in a series.  It sets up the characters well enough to suck you in and want to get to know them better.   I thought the mystery was very well fleshed out.  I definitely want to continue with the series.

Echo Killing:  This was a random library pick. I thought it was just OK.  The main character was a reporter who wasn't too bright.  She kept doing really stupid things.  The ending was predictable.  Also, is it really a rule that a cop can't date a reporter?  That seemed like a dumb rule.  Not sure if I will continue with the series.

Cold Hearted Rake:  This is the first in a series about the Ravenel family.  Despite hating the hero in the beginning, I did end up enjoying the romance.  He kind of had to grow on me.  I did like the banter between the couple.  I am more intrigued to read the rest of the series to see how the sisters end up.  They were all hysterical.

House of Ghosts:  Skip this one.  It was so boring. I think I started it 3 times.  I kept waiting for it to gt better.  In the end I'm not even really sure what the book was about.  I was so confused right through to the end.  I think it tried to be too many things at once. I wouldn't recommend it.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Blog Tour: It Would Be Night in Caracas by Karina Sainz Borgo

Author: Karina Sainz Borgo
Publisher: HarperVia
Publication Date: October 2019

Told with gripping intensity, It Would be Night in Caracas chronicles one woman’s desperate battle to survive amid the dangerous, sometimes deadly, turbulence of modern Venezuela and the lengths she must go to secure her future.

In Caracas, Venezuela, Adelaida Falcón stands over an open grave. Alone, she buries her mother—the only family she has ever known—and worries that when night falls thieves will rob the grave. Even the dead cannot find peace here.

Adelaida had a stable childhood in a prosperous Venezuela that accepted immigrants in search of a better life, where she lived with her single-mother in a humble apartment. But now? Every day she lines up for bread that will inevitably be sold out by the time she reaches the registers. Every night she tapes her windows to shut out the tear gas raining down on protesters. When looters masquerading as revolutionaries take over her apartment, Adelaida must make a series of gruesome choices in order to survive in a country disintegrating into anarchy, where citizens are increasingly pitted against each other. But just how far is she willing to go?

A bold new voice from Latin America, Karina Sainz Borgo’s touching, thrilling debut is an ode to the Venezuelan people and a chilling reminder of how quickly the world we know can crumble.

It Would be Night in Caracas tells the story of an editor who finds herself in the middle of upheaval when her country begins to fall apart. For me, the book was an OK read. I don't know enough about the history of what has been happening in Venzuela and I think that gave me a disadvantage going into the book.  In fact, I'm not even sure of what was exactly was going on outside Adelaida's home.  There was no real background given to make the reader understand. I probably would have enjoyed it more had I had more background. 

 Despite that, Adelaida's story is a heartbreaking one.  I could empathize with her plight and was rooting for her to make it out.  If I take away anything from this book, it will be the desire to read more on Venezuela and find out how it has fallen so far from the rich nation it had been.

Purchase Links

About Karina Sainz Borgo

Karina Sainz Borgo was born and raised in Caracas. She began her career in Venezuela as a journalist for El Nacional. Since immigrating to Spain ten years ago, she has written for Vozpópuli and collaborates with the literary magazine Zenda. She is the author of two nonfiction books, Tráfico y Guaire (2008) and Caracas Hip-Hop (2008). It Would Be Night in Caracas is her first work of fiction.

Follow her on Twitter.

Tour Stops

Tuesday, October 15th: Instagram: @sachireads
Wednesday, October 16th: Book by Book
Tuesday, October 22nd: Instagram: @giuliland
Monday, October 28th: From the TBR Pile
Monday, October 28th: Instagram: @books_with_bethany
Tuesday, October 29th: Instagram: @slreadsbooks
Thursday, October 31st: Real Life Reading
Thursday, October 31st: Thoughts From a Highly Caffeinated Mind
Tuesday, November 5th: I’d Rather Be At The Beach
Thursday, November 7th: Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
Friday, November 8th: Amy’s Book-et List

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blog Tour: Excerpt of Famous by Marie Force

Author: Marie Force

Publisher:HTJB, Inc
Publication Date: October 2019

I thought I’d finally met the man of my dreams...

I’ve planned this night for weeks, down to the last detail. I want it to be perfect. Bringing someone new into my private life is not something I do lightly, having learned the hard way over the years that celebrity has a dark downside that I go out of my way to avoid whenever possible.

But he is different. We’ve been together for months and the time is right to take this next step with him.

It doesn’t take long for me to realize I’ve made a huge mistake trusting this man.

Before things go from bad to worse, I have the presence of mind to know I’m in big, big trouble.

Marlowe Sloane’s story, FAMOUS, is the thrilling conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Quantum Series.

Purchase your copy now: 

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Enjoy this excerpt:
Before I met Rafe, I had confessed to my closest friends and business partners that I was feeling out of sorts and off-kilter. Spending time at the clubs we own here in LA and in New York City had become boring, especially since my buddies found love and more or less gave up the clubs. Getting naked in public lost its luster for each of them after they found the one.In our world, were always one tabloid photo away from disaster, so I get that they feel the need to protect their significant others from that kind of exposure.
We go to enormous lengths to protect the members of our clubs, including the requirement of a one-million-dollar entrance fee for new members and airtight nondisclosure agreements. But that didnt stop someone in Devon Blacks equally exclusive club from taking photos of our partner Jasper Autry that were later used to blackmail him. Were all a little gun-shy after that episode.
Rafe understands the celebrity culture because he works in our industry. As an executive for the company that distributes Quantum films—and many others—in France, he travels frequently between Paris and Los Angeles, hobnobbing with celebrities and working deep inside the business. From the beginning, Ive felt comfortable being myself around him, because he understands the pressures I face. Its been a long time since Ive felt this way about a guy, and even though I can tell my friends dont love him, I do, and thats all that matters.
Or so I tell myself.
Truth is, their opinions matter to me, even if I wish they didn’t.
Especially Flynn and Hayden, who have been my closest friends for years. Its so rare for me to be out of sync with either of them, let alone both, but from the outset, theyve been rather obvious in their dislike of Rafe. I wish I knew why, but they wont even give him a chance. Flynns wife, Natalie, and I talked about it over the holidays when we were all together for four memorable days in St. George, Utah, of all places.
As I light the candles in the dungeon, I think about that conversation as I have so many times since then.
Its not that he doesnt like Rafe,Natalie had said. Its more that he doesnt like him for you.
Why?” I’d asked and immediately hated myself for the question as well as the desperate-sounding tone in which it was asked. Im Marlowe fucking Sloane. What do I care if Flynn Godfrey or anyone else doesnt like my boyfriend? ExceptI care, and I hate that I care.
I could tell Nat chose her words carefully. Its just that he thinks you can do…better.” She cringed as she said that last word, and I realized Id put her in a terrible position by bringing it up at all. The guys had gone off to find a Christmas tree for Aileens kids and had grudgingly invited Rafe to join them. Thats what had led me to ask her what the fuck Flynns problem was with him.
Be careful what you wish for. Flynn thinks hes not good enough for me, which means Hayden, Jasper, Kristian, Emmett and Sebastian probably agree with him.
Does everyone feel that way?” I’d asked Nat.
“I’m not sure.Shed rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, which is a tellfor her. She knows but doesnt want to say. Fair enough. None of them like him.
Does it matter to anyone that I like him?
Yes! Of course it does. Thats all that matters. If he makes you happy, were happy. You know that.
I’d eyed her skeptically. “I’m happy with him.
Okay, then.


Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance, romantic suspense, historical romance and erotic romance. Her series include the indie-published Gansett Island, Treading Water, Butler, Vermont and Quantum Series as well as the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books.
Her books have sold more than 9 million copies worldwide, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list 30 times. She is also a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, a Speigel bestseller in Germany, a frequent speaker and publishing workshop presenter.
Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Review: Girl in Luv/Boy in Luv by Jay Crownover and Rebecca Yarros

Langley Vaughn is in desperate need of a date.
But not just any date.
She’s looking for a date to the wedding from hell. It isn’t every day you’re forced to be in the bridal party while your first love marries your arch nemesis… otherwise known as the world’s worst stepsister. The entire situation is a nightmare, and Langley is sick and tired of taking orders and forcing a fake smile. She’s done being the bad guy when she was the one who was wronged.

She needs to find a date who’s not afraid of her family’s money and someone who is willing to shake things up. She needs someone outside of her normal social circle, someone ready to go to war with the well-to-do. She needs someone who won’t back down. Someone willing to play the complicated game of tug of war she’s been engaged in with her family for years.

Never in a million years did she think she was going to stumble across her very own heroic heartthrob when she set her crazy plan in motion.    Not only does Iker show up for her time and time again, he also forced her to finally fight for herself.    He says he’s only there for the money… but his actions speak so much louder than his words.

Iker Alvarez knows he made the biggest mistake of his life.

At first, the pretty blonde in the red dress was nothing more than a means to an end. But, she quickly became so much more. As soon as Iker walked away from Langley, claiming it was for her own good, he knew he screwed up. He left her so she wouldn't worry about him when he deployed, so she wouldn't waste her time waiting around for a guy who was never going to be good enough for her. Only, nine months and a deployment later, Iker still can't get Langley out of his head… and he totally underestimated the hold she has on his hardened heart. He's a guy who's not sure how love should work, or how to go about winning his girl back…he's about to get a crash course in both.

The In Luv Duet is a really cute collaboration between Jay Crownover and Rebecca Yarros.  You all know I love Jay Crownover's books.  This is the first time I have read anything by Rebecca Yarros, but I know I will be seeking out more of her works in the future.   These two authors make a great writing team and I hope they  collaborate again.  

I loved the couple in these short stories.  Sometimes you meet someone and have an instant connection.  Iker and Langley were a great couple.  I loved how he got her out of her shell and helped her to stick up for herself with her family.  Langley helped Iker realize he could have something for himself after a life time of helping everyone else.  I was really rooting for this couple.    I would advise reading these in order.  Boy in Luv will spoil you for Girl in Luv.  They honestly could have been put together into one book.  At any rate, I defintely recommend this duet.  

Spotlight: Cowboy Firefighter Christmas Kiss by Kim Redford

Author: Kim Redford
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date: 10/29/2019

The firefighting cowboys of Wildcat Bluffs take Christmas VERY seriously…

When Ivy Bryant arrives in town to run the historic honkytonk, she finds herself immersed in traditions that can’t be bucked. Luckily, cowboy firefighter Slade Steele has an idea to increase both the honkytonk’s income, and his own. It’s an offer Ivy couldn’t refuse, even if the passion between them wasn’t already reaching the boiling point.

Ivy and Slade’s love story is legendary—when you add in arsonist cattle rustlers, a runaway Angus bull, and a chili recipe that includes liquor AND chocolate, Wildcat Bluffs will be celebrating a cowboy Christmas unlike any other.

Purchase Links:
Amazon  B&N  Apple  Kobo  IndieBound  BAM

As Ivy Bryant stood on her tiptoes with arms raised to toss decorative tinsel over deer antlers on the wall above her head, she heard the side door that led to the Wildcat Hall’s beer garden open and boots hit the floor with a determined stride.
 “We’re closed!” she hollered, not bothering to look over her shoulder. “Come back next week.”
 “You look like you could use a little help,” a man said.
She froze with her hands in the air as she felt the deep male voice with that melodic, slow cadence of a born-and-bred Texan strike her body and go deep, as if she’d been pierced by a flaming arrow. Talk about red-hot. She tried to shrug off the heat, but the chair shifted under her, making her sway.
“Easy does it,” he said. “Chairs have a way of pretending they’re bulls sometimes.”
“Bulls?” She didn’t know whether to laugh at the joke or appreciate he’d tried to make her feel better about almost toppling to the floor. Still and all, if she’d known she was going to have company, she’d have put on something besides formfitting yoga pants and top in hot pink with black trim. He was getting an eyeful.
“In my case, I always tried to pretend bulls were chairs.”
“How’d that work out?” She eyed the antlers, mind half on her next throw and half on the amusing man behind her.
“About like you can imagine.” He sighed, as if life had been unfair. “I finally had to give up bulls for chairs.”
“I bet the bulls were grateful.” She definitely wanted to see the face that went with the voice, but she wanted to finish her task more.
“Yeah…but I’ve broken a few chairs.”
“Maybe even one of the chairs here in the honkytonk.”
 “Might be. Looks like your chair is keeping an uneasy peace with the floor
“That’s one way of putting it.” She rose to her tiptoes again, trying one last time to get the tinsel to disobey the laws of gravity.
“Let me help.” He spanned her waist with large hands and lifted her so she could easily reach the antlers.
She caught her breath in surprise at his strength—and his boldness. But she wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth. She quickly twined the antlers with red tinsel until they looked festive for the holidays.
 “Pretty,” he said.
She shivered in response. What had gotten into her? She should be struggling to get away. Instead, he was revving her up with his hot hands.
 “Got any more tinsel to put up?” he asked in a deep voice gone husky. “I could hold you all day and into next week.”
 “I suggest you put me down before you get into trouble.”
 “If you’re the one handing out trouble, I’d wait in line to get it.”
She couldn’t help but chuckle because he was laying it on thick in that teasing way Texas men would do to get them out of problems with women. “Better put me down before your arms give out.”
 “Not a chance. You’re light as a feather.”
She laughed harder. “Guess some women would fall for that one. What are you selling?”
 “As a matter of fact, I’m here to help you, but you might consider it selling to you, too.” He gently set her down so her feet were steady on the floor, and then he stepped back.
She turned to face him—and felt her breath catch in her throat at the tall hunk of a cowboy. He wore pressed Wranglers that accentuated his long legs and narrow hips, with a wide leather belt sporting a huge rodeo belt buckle. His blue-and-white-striped, pearl-snap shirt tucked neatly into the waistband of his jeans emphasized the width of his shoulders and breadth of his chest. Blond haired. Blue eyed. Square jawed. Full lipped. He looked as if he’d been made to dazzle—and she was sud­denly and breathtakingly susceptible to every single one of his charms.
“Whatever you’re selling, I think I’m buying.” She spoke the words with a teasing lilt in her voice and a mischievous smile on her face. Still, she meant it. And he probably knew it because he was definitely heartbreaker material. How many women had already fallen to his charms and been left in the dust? She didn’t intend to be a notch on his belt, but if she’d known leaving the city for the country paid off so well in eye candy, she might’ve followed her sister sooner.
He chuckled at her words and held out his hand with a thick, muscular wrist that came from controlling thousand-pound-plus animals. “Slade Steele. If you haven’t heard of me, maybe you’re aware of the Chuckwagon Café and Steele Trap Ranch. Family businesses. I’m not just any guy off the street.”
 “You’re definitely not just any guy.” She slipped her hand into his big one and felt him gently enclose her fingers. “Smart guy to throw a few compliments my way. Guess you’re more than a pretty face.” She tried to keep the teasing going, so their interaction stayed on a light note, but he was still holding her hand and she wasn’t pulling away and his eyes were heating up to a blazing blue fire.
“Nothing but the truth.”
“My sister Fern is the star.” She tried to tug her hand away, but he held on another long moment, nodding as if deciding something or conveying something or accepting something before finally letting go.
He grinned with a gleam in his eyes, revealing teeth white against the tan of his skin. “Yeah, she is that…but you make the earth move.”
 “Oh my.” She returned his grin while fanning her face with one hand in that old Southern way, as if he was too hot to handle. “You really do want to sell me something, don’t you?”
 “How am I doing?”
 “Not bad.”

Excerpted from Cowboy Firefighter Christmas Kiss by Kim Redford. © 2019 by Kim Redford. Used with permission of the publisher, Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved.

Praise for Kim Redford:

“Redford reels you in with this hot-as-hell firefighting cowboy.”—Fresh Fiction for Blazing Hot Cowboy
“Will keep you warm and toasty and entertained.”—USA Today Happily Ever After for A Cowboy Firefighter for Christmas

Author Website:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Spotlight: The Source by Tara Swart, MD, PhD

Author: Tara Swart, MD, PhD
Publisher: HarperOne
Publication Date: Pctober 2019

Self-help books like The Secret show us that if we can tap into “The Law of Attraction,” we have the power to change our destiny simply by reshaping our mind. Millions of people have used the ancient systems of manifestation and visualization to find health, success, love, friendship, wealth, and more. But does the “Law of Attraction” actually work? And more important, is this kind of life-changing philosophy within reach for everyone, even the most skeptical among us?

As Dr. Tara Swart, psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and Senior Lecturer at MIT shows us in The Source, if we can strip away our skepticism, these ancient tools of manifestation and visualization are fundamentally powerful and incredibly effective at freeing us of self-limiting behaviors and propelling us toward our truest, most authentic selves. Swart reveals how and why these systems actually work by offering the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience and behavioral psychology, including lessons in neuroplasticity, magneticism, emotional and logical thinking, and even hydration, self-care, and relaxation. Next, she describes her own journey from skeptic to believer, and guides readers through the scientific breakthroughs and personal revelations that changed her from an unhappy, close-minded, and disconnected woman wanting more from life, to a successful entrepreneur living with confidence, purpose, and joy.

The truth is, most of the things we want—health, happiness, wealth, love—are governed by our ability to think, feel, and act—in other words, by our brain. Dr. Swart combines the insights and inspiration of The Secret with the practical lessons of The Master Key System to help a new generation fulfill their dreams. The Source is a rigorous, proven toolkit for unlocking our minds—and reaching our fullest potential.


Purchase Links

About Tara Swart

DR. TARA SWART is a neuroscientist and former psychiatric doctor. She is a senior lecturer at MIT Sloan and visiting senior lecturer at Kings College, London, and an executive advisor to some of the world’s most respected leaders in media and business. She is lead author of the award-winning Neuroscience for Leadership and in 2016 she was named the world’s first Neuroscientist in Residence at Corinthia Hotel, London. She is passionate about teaching others how to apply lessons from cognitive science to enhance everyday lives.

Find out more about Tara at her website, and follower her on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.

Instagram Features
Tuesday, October 15th: Instagram: @_ebl_inc_
Wednesday, October 16th: Instagram: @tbretc
Thursday, October 17th: Instagram: @readforevermore
Friday, October 18th: Instagram: @gatticus_finch
Saturday, October 19th: Instagram: @book_girl_magic
Monday, October 21st: Instagram: @thriftybibliophile

Review Stops
Tuesday, October 15th: Openly Bookish
Friday, October 18th: I’d Rather Be At The Beach
Monday, October 21st: Tabi Thoughts
Tuesday, October 22nd: Iwriteinbooks’s blog
Wednesday, October 23rd: The Desert Bibliophile
Thursday, October 24th: Instagram: @books_and_broadway_
Friday, October 25th: From the TBR Pile
Monday, October 28th: Living My Best Book Life
Wednesday, October 30th: Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
Thursday, October 31st: Orange County Readers
TBD: Wednesday, October 16th: Instagram: @kimberleewilliams_realestate

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Spotlight: Nothing to Fear by Juno Rushdan

Author: Juno Rushdan
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date: August 2019

The clock is ticking

Fearsome Gray Box operative Gideon Stone is devoted to his work and his team. He’s never given reason to doubt his loyalty…until he’s tasked with investigating Willow Harper, a beguiling cryptologist suspected of selling deadly bio-agents on the black market.

He knows she’s innocent. He knows she’s being framed. And he knows that without him, Willow will be dead before sunrise.
Thrust into the crossfire of an insidious international conspiracy, Gideon will do anything to keep Willow safe…even if that means waging war against his own. With time running out, an unlikely bond pushes limits?and forges loyalties. Every move they make counts. And the real traitor is always watching…

Purchase Links

About Juno Rushdan

Juno Rushdan draws from real-life inspiration as a former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer to craft sizzling romantic thrillers. Although she is a native New Yorker, wanderlust has taken her across the globe. She’s visited more than twenty different countries and has lived in England and Germany. When she’s not writing, Juno loves spending time with her family. She currently resides in Virginia.

Connect with Juno

Juno Rushdan’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:

Monday, October 21st: Reading Reality
Tuesday, October 22nd: @thisbibliolife
Wednesday, October 23rd: @nsiabblog
Thursday, October 24th: From the TBR Pile
Friday, October 25th: @_ebl_inc_
Monday, October 28th: Cheryl’s Book Nook and @beastreader
Tuesday, October 29th: The Book Disciple and @thebookdisciple
Wednesday, October 30th: Booked on a Feeling
Thursday, October 31st: Lori’s Reading Corner – guest post
Friday, November 1st: @ksquaredreads