Publisher: William Morrow
Date of Publication: April 2013
One woman is framed for a horrific crime, and desperate to prove her innocence.
A chance meeting with a stranger in a hotel ends in a shocking murder. Wendy Gould is an average mom--and the only witness. Nanny Lauritzia Velez knows a shocking secret that could prove to be deadly. Both of their lives in danger, this unlikely pair must work together against a network of dangerous men who want nothing more than to see them dead.
When I started this book, I was expecting a completely different book than the one I got. I could not put this book down! No Way Back is an excellent, well written mystery that kept me captivated until the end. Part of the story is told by Wendy, while the rest of the story follows the other characters. I actually liked the switch in points of view. I thought it worked very well here. Also, it wasn't clear how all of the parts of the story were going to fit together, but the author did a nice job of weaving them into a story that made sense.
If there was ever a story that would make you not want to cheat on your spouse, this one is it. When Wendy makes the mistake of going up to a stranger's room for a one night stand, she ends up smack in the middle of a HUGE conspiracy. That one mistake costs her everything she holds dear. What follows is a race against time to clear her name and to try to figure out what exactly is going on. I liked Wendy. I felt really badly for her and found she was a character I could root for.
I don't want to say too much on the plot, because it would ruin the story. There are a few twists that are better left to be revealed as you read. I think this book would make a great movie! Andrew Gross is a new to me author. I look forward to reading more from him!
About the author:
Andrew Gross is the author of the New York Times and international bestsellers 15 SECONDS, EYES WIDE OPEN,THE BLUE ZONE, THE DARK TIDE, DON'T LOOK TWICE, and RECKLESS. He is also coauthor of five number one bestsellers with James Patterson, including JUDGE & JURYand LIFEGUARD. His books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. He lives in Westchester County, New York, with his wife, Lynn.
WOW!! Great review! Putting this book on my TBR list. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book.
Enjoyed the review! This mystery book sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway!
myra0502 at yahoo dot com
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