
Sunday, July 4, 2021

Books I DNF'd in June

The Ivies
:  I was definitely not the audience for this book.  But then, I'm not sure many YA readers will like this one.  The characters were unrealistic.  The prep school was unrealistic.  If anything, this book would serve as a cautionary tale to our high schools about putting too much pressure on our kids when it comes to higher education.  I got to the murder and then gave up.

Amari and the Night Brothers:   What happens when an author is very heavily influenced by Men in Black, Artemis Fowl, and Harry Potter? You get this book.  I read about 50% and gave up.  I was disappointed because it has received rave reviews.  I felt like I was reading nothing original and for a middle grade fantasy, I was so bored.  I did like the main character, but she wasn't enough to keep my attention.  

Rooftop Party
:  I didn't realize going into this book that is was a sequel. The book kept referring to events in the previous book.  I didn't like the main character.  I just found her annoying.  Maybe if I had read the first book, I would have liked her more?   Maybe one day I'll read the first one and try this one again.

Arsenic and Adobo:  I think I'm, getting too old to read about women who are adults and their life it just a mess.  They keep making stupid decisions and then seem to get off with no consequences.  That is the main character in this book.  I was hoping for a fun mystery, but there was not humor here.  Instead I was bored and annoyed.

1 comment:

Megan | Bookstacks and Golden Moms said...

Arsenic and Adobo would probably irritate me, as well. You can only read so many books about main characters who have messed up their lives because of doing the dumbest things.

Sorry these books didn't work for you. Hopefully July is better!

Happy reading!
-Megan @ Bookstacks & Golden Moms