
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Book I Didn't Finish in July

Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness:  I didn't make it past the first chapter of this book.  I had a huge issues with how the main character and his friends kept talking about the heroine.  When the hero referred to her lipstick as "Crimson Slut"  I was done.

The Wanderers:  I loved the synopsis and was so looking forward to loving this book.  It seemed like it would be an epic tale like The Stand.  I got about 20% in and realized it wasn't for me.  I was bored.  I was also not a fan of being able to tell which way the author leans politically.   That turned me off.

Sweet Pea:  I really wanted to love this book, but I really disliked the main character.  I can like a book with an unlikable main character, but she was over the top.  I didn't find any of this book funny.  Maybe I just don't have that type of sense of humor?

Celine: I really thought I would like this book based on the synopsis.  However, I was really bored.  The book kept going back to the main character's past and childhood.  I couldn't understand why it was pertinent to the story.  It just felt like an unnecessary info dump.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July Mini Musings

The Haunted:  To be honest, this was kind of a forgettable book.   Let's just say, it's not scary, has lots of character cliches and was a giant waste of time. The ending made no sense at all.  I wouldn't recommend it.

The Archived:  This has been on my TBR for a while.  It was a pleasant surprise and the first book by this author that I have actually enjoyed.  I liked the premise.  It was fun and unique.  I enjoyed the characters and the twists.  I probably will read the sequel.

No Saving Throw:  This was a random pick from the library.  It's a cozy mystery that takes place in a gaming store.  It was cute with fun characters.  I enjoyed the mystery.  I was totally wrong about who the killer was, so that made it even more of a fun read.  I'd recommend it and will read the next one.

Dead in the Water:  This is a true crime novel that follows the families of two British citizens  who were murdered off the coast of Guatemala in the late 70s.  The families had to investigate from a different continent.  It would take over thirty years for the families to find justice.  This was an interesting read and one I would recommend if you like True Crime.
In the Shadow of Spindrift House: I had mixed feelings about this book.  On one hand it was pretty creepy.  But on the other, it was too short for me to fully understand what was going on.  I felt unsatisfied with the ending and would have liked more of an explanation. The characters were a little annoying and I wasn't too invested in them. It was a quick read, so try it for yourself. 

Haunted Hideout:  Now this was a  very creepy haunted house story that I actually enjoyed.  It was a bit cheesy and had some common horror tropes, but I ended up liking the book.  I could see this being made into a movie.  It would have some great jump scares.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Spotlight: The Night We Met by Beth Rinyu

Author: Beth Rinyu
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 7-18-19


I’ve always been three things: Loving daughter, devoted sister, and cynical romantic. Okay, maybe not always the last one, that didn’t happen until my ex-boyfriend cheated on me, and not with just anyone…my best friend.

One year later, and I’m over relationships, only interested in the occasional one-night stand. I don’t fall in love with them, and I don’t expect them to fall in love with me. I won’t be waiting around for their call or stalking their social media—until I discover that one of my little trysts indirectly holds my family’s fate in his hands. So, with a little convincing from my older and much wiser sister, I break my own rules for the sake of my family.

He’s the exact opposite of me: Serious, detached and arrogant. Did I mention that he looks like he should be on a billboard for a cologne ad in the middle of Times Square, or the sexy way he botches up my name in his German accent? Well, he does…but I refuse to relent, remaining committed to my plan. Strictly business, no emotions involved, and nobody will get hurt…until nobody turns into somebody I find myself needing more than I ever thought possible.

What do you do when a one-night stand turns into so much more than you bargained for? And how do you stop one lie that’s getting bigger each time you’re with him from caving everything in around you? I know in the end someone is going to get hurt, but I’m powerless to stop it. And for him…I think I may be willing to have my heart broken all over again.

About the author:

Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I love creating deep characters who you will love or love to hate.

My life is not as interesting as my books or the characters in them, but then again whose life is? My happy place is a seat by the ocean with my feet in the sand or on the busy streets of New York City. You will more than likely find one of these places as the setting for most of my books.

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of In Case You DIdn't Know by Samantha Chase

Author: Samantha Chase
Series: Magnolia Sound #3
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Golden child Mason Bishop has finally had enough. Tired of bearing the weight of his parents’ expectations, he’s determined to break free and forge his own path. It’s time for him to go after the things he really wants—including the girl he never forgot.

Scarlett Jones is done being ruled by her insecurities. She’s ready to be seen as something other than one of the guys, and she’s done thinking she’s not good enough for the social elite—especially the Bishops.

When he runs into Scarlett at a concert, Mason believes it’s fate bringing them together. But fate only gets you so far. If he wants a real chance with Scarlett, it’s going to take a whole lot of charm to convince her he’s worth it.

My thoughts:

 In Case You Didn't Know is the third book in the Magnolia Sound series.  This is Mason and Scarlett's story.    I think I have found my favorite Magnolia Sound book boyfriend. I loved Mason.  Scarlett had to grow on me.  She kind of came across as whiny and judgmental at first.  I was happy when her best friend finally called her out on her own BS.  I also loved watching Mason finally tell off his mother.    As for them as a couple, their attraction was fast and steamy, but they really did fit together well.  I won't spoil what happened with Mason's part of his inheritance, I'll just say it was perfect.  I highly recommend this addition.  I can't wait to see whose story is next.

Barnes & Noble:

Enjoy this excerpt:

“Don’t go,” he said, moving in shamelessly closer. Scarlett could feel the heat of his body, could smell his cologne and all thoughts of going back to her spot in the nosebleed section were forgotten. “I mean…what’s the hurry?”
Scarlett tried to think up something witty to say, but her mind was a complete blank.
Okay, that wasn’t totally true. She was thinking about how in a perfect world she could have just said yes–that she’d love to go out with him after the concert. Or better yet, that she could just go back to his celebrity section and watch the rest of the show together.
“C’mon,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “If you won’t go out with me later, hang out for a bit now.”
And then she completely embarrassed and horrified herself.
She giggled.
God, she hated women who did that.
She was one step away from twirling her hair and Scarlett knew she needed to get herself under control.
“Have a drink with me,” he prompted.
“I really just wanted some water.”
“Then we’ll have water.”
Her laugh this time wasn’t quite so girly, but there was a huskiness to it she didn’t recognize either. “You can drink whatever you’d like. You don’t have to be lame just because I am.” Standing this close to him, she could smell the beer on his breath so she knew he was most likely out here to grab another one.
“I don’t think you’re being lame, Jones,” he said playfully, being a total flirt. “I think it’s hot as hell out here and it’s probably the smarter choice than what I was thinking.”
“Well…I try to be practical.”
Wow. Way to sound appealing, dork.
His grin was downright boyish and if she wasn’t mistaken, he moved a little closer. Only…she didn’t feel crowded by him. If anything, she wished she were bold enough to do the same.
“Practical can be good,” he commented. “But sometimes it’s fun to be a little…impulsive.”
Oh my…
Swallowing hard, she nodded. “Are we still talking about beverages?”
And yeah, that totally wasn’t her voice.
Mason let out a low groan and slowly licked his bottom lip and Scarlett couldn’t believe how incredibly attractive she found the move. Her eyes traced the movement and when she looked up and met his steel-blue eyes, she felt like everything around them faded away–the crowds, the noise, the music–and all that was left was the two of them.
It didn’t seem possible and her first thought was how she was just feeling this way because it had been so damn long since she’d been with a guy. But the longer they continued to look at each other, the more she realized it had nothing to do with how much time it had been–it was all him. All Mason. And as much as she wanted to be annoyed by that fact, she couldn’t seem to make that happen. Whatever was happening was happening, and she was more than willing to let it.
What was the harm in hanging out with him for a bit? Hell, what was the harm in flirting? It wasn’t as if this were going anywhere and there was no one around to tell her he was out of her league or to remind him how he shouldn’t be hanging around with someone so beneath his social status. Right now they were just a man and a woman maybe having a drink and a little conversation.
Flirty conversation.
She could do that, right?
For a little while, she could be the girly-girl no one thought she could be and have the full attention of one of the most eligible bachelors in town. How hard could it be?
Doing her best to relax, Scarlett smiled up at Mason. “So, we were going to have an impulsive drink, right?”
His grin was slow and sexy as hell. “Well, that would have been my request for after the show. But since you have plans…”
She shrugged. “Then I guess we should do it now before we both miss the entire concert.” Her tone was light and carefree and she had to admit, it felt good.
“Stay right here,” he said anxiously before sprinting over to the drink kiosk. Scarlett wasn’t sure how he did it, but he managed to be back with two bottles of water in less than a minute. It was almost as if the small crowd parted for him and let him skip to the front of the line.
And seriously, that wouldn’t surprise her at all.
“Thanks,” she said, accepting the drink from him. “But you seriously could have gotten something else.”
“And risk taking too much time away from the little we have?”
Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t suppress her laughter. “Dude, seriously? That has to be the cheesiest line ever!”
Luckily, he laughed with her. “Oh, I don’t know about that. I think I could come up with a few more if you gave me the chance.”
Her curiosity got the better of her and she wanted to know what exactly the infamous Mason Bishop considered to be cheesy pickup lines. “I’m giving you the chance. Lay them on me,” she challenged as she leaned against the cool brick.
His eyes went wide. “That’s how you want to spend our time?”
That just had her laughing again. “I’m sure there are better ways, but I thought I’d see if you were up for the challenge.”
Oh my God…I did not just say that!
His gaze turned a little heated and he took a quick drink before bending down and placing the bottle on the ground. When he straightened, he mimicked her pose against the brick. “Challenge accepted.”
“Bring it on.”
And she only partially meant the cheesy lines.

Other books in the series

A Girl Like You:
In Case You Didn’t Know:

About the Author

Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blog Tour: Review and Excerpt of A Monter of All Time by JT Hunter

Genre: True Crime
Published by: RJ Parker Publishing
Publication Date: September 4th 2018
Number of Pages: 304
ISBN: 1987902521 (ISBN13: 9781987902525)
Purchase Links: Amazon | Goodreads

Ambitious, attractive, and full of potential, five young college students prepared for the new semester. They dreamed of beginning careers and starting families. They had a lifetime of experiences in front of them. But death came without warning in the dark of the night.
Brutally ending five promising lives, leaving behind three gruesome crime scenes, the Gainesville Ripper terrorized the University of Florida, casting an ominous shadow across a frightened college town.

What evil lurked inside him?
What demons drove him to kill?

I remember reading about these events back when I was a freshman in college.  I remember being pretty terrified at the time, even though I was miles away from Florida.  It brought home that we must all be vigilant about our safety.  A Monster of All Time is a well researched and well told true crime book that lays out the events of the horrific murders of five young women.  I will warn that there is a lot of graphic descriptions of the crime scenes, so if that is something that bothers you, just be aware.  I would recommend this to anyone who likes true crime novels.

Enjoy this excerpt:


January 1987 
Parchman, Mississippi 

The prisoner raged in his lonely cell. 

“When they let me out of here,” the prisoner swore to himself, “I’ll make them all pay.” 

Years of condemnation and contempt had taken its toll, breaking him down, eroding his spirit, destroying all sense of hope. Now only the anger remained. 


Cast into the bowels of Parchman Prison, the notorious Mississippi State Penitentiary, the prisoner had suffered daily torments during his confinement, each day falling deeper and deeper into despair. Raw sewage regularly seeped into his cell through the floor and flowed from a broken drain down the hall, flooding the cramped 8 x 10 feet concrete space with a revolting grey-brown liquid and an unrelenting stench. 

Kept in this torturous isolation, his besieged brain had betrayed him, replaying the grievous moments of his life, all of the humiliations and feelings of helplessness, every piercing word, and every raw, painful memory. It was a constant reminder that the world had always been a hurtful place of violence, animosity, and aversion, never one of empathy or understanding. 

Desperate to escape the unrelenting torment, he retreated ever deeper into the labyrinth of his own mind, creeping ever closer to madness. It was in that maze of insanity that he found himself. Or rather, something found him. 

In the bleak, all-encompassing darkness, something whispered his name. 

Faceless and formless, the voice seemed to emanate both from the impenetrable blackness surrounding him and from the shadowy depths of his own consciousness. The voice soothed and seduced him, its language both alien and familiar. It promised the strength to survive whatever nightmares awaited the remainder of his confinement. It offered the tools of revenge for his present condition, for all of the wrongs committed against him in the past, and for the scorn and mistreatment yet to come. Most of all, it promised the power to make others feel the suffering he had so long endured. 

Then a name imprinted itself into his brain, uttered from an unseen shape in the darkness, or muttered from the murky depths of memory. 

“Gemini,” an eerie voice proclaimed. “I am Gemini.” 

At that moment, an infernal compact was crafted, a devil’s contract offering redemption for the damned, a demonic covenant accepted regardless of the terms. Caring nothing for the consequences, the prisoner embraced the assurance of vengeance, pledging revenge for the countless injuries inflicted upon him. Just as a cold, uncaring world had robbed him of his humanity and stolen years of his life, he would take the lives of others in an equal and equitable proportion. A new sense of purpose washed over him, bringing with it a rebirth, a recognition of what he needed to do. 

And now he waited, marking the days with hidden malice, the bitter darkness of his cell matched only by the malevolence of his twisted, tainted soul. 

This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for JT Hunter. There will be two (2) giveaway winners. Each winner will receive one (1) Amazon Gift Card. The giveaway begins on July 1, 2019 and runs through August 2, 2019. Void where prohibited


Author Bio:

J.T. Hunter is an attorney with over fourteen years of experience practicing law, including criminal law and appeals, and he has significant training in criminal investigation techniques. He is also a college professor in Florida where his teaching interests focus on the intersection of criminal psychology, law, and literature.

JT's bestselling true crime books include:
·  Devil in The Darkness: True Story of Serial Killer ISRAEL KEYES
·  The Country Boy Killer: The True Story of Serial Killer Cody Legebokoff
·  In Colder Blood: True Story of the Walker Family Murder as depicted in Truman Capote’s, In Cold Blood
·  Deadly Deception: True Story of Tampa Serial Killer, Bobby Joe Long
·  Death Row Romeo: The True Story of Serial Killer Oscar Ray Bolin
·  The Vampire Next Door: True Story of the Vampire Rapist and Serial Killer

Catch Up With J.T. Hunter On:, Goodreads, BookBub, & Facebook!

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Sightseeing in Manhattan by Clare Lesbirel

Author:  Clare Lesbirel 
Publication date: July 2019

On stage at a Magic Mike theme night with the music blaring and her hands trailing the oily, well-defined abs of another man is where Hannah-Rae realizes that maybe she isn’t as heartbroken about her cheating ex as she had first thought. She had known she needed to make some big decisions about life before flying out to NYC, she just hadn’t expected her heart would be calling all the shots.

He didn’t know why or how his passion for dance had come about. All he knew is that when he was on that stage throwing shapes down, he felt so alive in the moment that he almost forgot about the fact that his little sister was sick and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Almost.

When chance circumstances bring us together, will dancing bring us something more than either of us expected?

After all, 425 Madison Avenue is the perfect place to fall in love.
*Each story is completely standalone.

My thoughts:

Sightseeing in Manhattan is the 9th book in this series. This one involves Hannah-Rae and Matt.  I thought this was a cute couple and story.   I'm not really familiar with dance vernacular, so I will admit to having to look up the phrase "throwing shapes down" to figure out what Matt was doing at his club.  That being said, I did enjoy this couple.  They were cute together.  I liked Matt and his willingness to do whatever it took to take care of his mom and sister.  I also admired Hannah-Rae and how she worked hard to not let her disability hold her back from her dancing dream.  This is a great addition to the series.  I recommend it and all of the books so far.

Enjoy this excerpt:

Copyright @ 2019 C. Lesbirel

Letting go with one of his hands, he slides his fingertips up my back and to the nape of my neck. Some of my hair tangles between his fingers and he squeezes gently, pulling me up toward him again to meet another waiting kiss.

He spins me back around and commands me to take hold of the wheel and not let go. I do as I’m told and cling to it, not even caring about the direction or thinking about anything other than how good his hands feel, now that they are both free to roam over my body. He traces them over my hips and spans my waist before tracing up to the curve of my breasts and cupping them each, over the top of my cardigan.

“I like this, pink suits you,” he whispers softly into my ear.

“I guessed it was pink from the feel of it. It’s light and soft, like cotton candy.”

“It’s cute. Sometimes you look cute. I thought that when I picked you up. Now you don’t look cute, though.”

“I don’t? Then how do I look now?”

“Breath taking.” He says the word so easily that it sounds natural and believable. Even if I don’t believe it myself, he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the entire city.

My long waves blow free in the evening breeze and it’s eerily quiet with the noise of the city in the distant background. “Your curves are the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he murmurs as his hands come to rest on my waist, pinching gently as though trying to control himself. I’m not sure I want him to.

About the Author:

Clare Lesbirel is a lover of all things pink and fluffy with a huge obsession for Happy Ever After's. This includes most romance novels, country songs and Hallmark Movies. She lives in England where she spends most of her time reading or dreaming up new love stories. She first published with her best friend under the pen name, Autumn Ruby in 2018 and won a handful of indie author awards. It is the love and support of the friends she has made along the way that has led her to follow her dreams of publishing sweet, sexy stories that celebrate the relationships of the perfectly imperfect.

Clare loves to befriend those who are equally as obsessed with hot alpha’s as she is, so be sure to catch up with her via her Facebook page or Instagram.

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Nine delicious romances set in fast-paced & sexy NYC just waiting for you to read.

The series features stories from some of your favorite romance authors: Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Allie York, Aubree Valentine, Kay Gordon, Lauren Helms, Sylvia Kane, Katy Ames, and C. Lesbirel.

Join these authors as they come together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy.

Featuring some of readers' favorite tropes: second-chance romance, best friends sibling romance to a good ol' enemies to lovers romance. We've got you covered with a sports romance, a fake relationship and even an ugly duckling or two. Don't forget a brother's best friend and falling for your soul mate. Maybe a little love triangle as well. Each tale offers you something new, something different. After all, 425 Madison Avenue is the perfect place to fall in love.

For more information, visit the series website ➝

Follow the series on Facebook ➝

Did you miss the first eight books in the series? You can read them here:

This release event is brought to you by Forever Write PR - Forever your source for all your writing needs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Review: Under Currents by Nora Roberts

Author: Nora Roberts
Publisher: St. Martin Press
Date of publication: July 2019

Zane Bigelow grew up in a beautiful, perfectly kept house in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Strangers―and even Zane’s own aunt across the lake―see his parents as a successful surgeon and his stylish wife, making appearances at their children’s ballet recitals and baseball games. Only Zane and his sister know the truth, until one brutal night finally reveals cracks in the facade, and Zane escapes for college without a thought of looking back...

Years later, Zane returns to his hometown determined to reconnect with the place and people that mean so much to him, despite the painful memories. As he resumes life in the colorful town, he meets a gifted landscape artist named Darby, who is on the run from ghosts of her own. 

Together they will have to teach each other what it means to face the past, and stand up for the ones they love.

I had to take a few days to put together my thoughts on this latest from Nora Roberts. Under Currents is her latest stand alone novel.  I have very mixed feelings about the book.  In a way, I felt like I was reading two very different books.  The first part was a very difficult read.  If child or spousal abuse is a hard subject for you, then proceed with caution.  Nora doesn't hold back.  Then, the book go forward several years and becomes a rambling romance with small smatterings of suspense. Essentially, the book was a lot longer than it needed to be.

Overall, I liked the book.  I enjoyed the characters.  I liked that there was no real angst between Zane and Darby.  I loved their relationship and enjoyed going on their journey into love.  The peripheral characters were great as well.  I loved the family that surrounded Zane and his sister.  What I found lacking was the mystery part.  Or, I could say mysteries.  Because honestly how many different culprits can target a couple realistically in a short span of time.  It wasn't hard to figure out who the culprits were each time.  One of the reveals was so anticlimactic and disappointing.  I think Nora fans will enjoy the book.  I have just read better from her in the past.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Spotlight: Excerpt of A Seal Never Quits by Holly Castillo

Author: Holly Castillo
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publication Date: 7/30/2019

First in a thrilling romantic suspense series featuring a band of do-or-die Navy SEALs in Texas

A SEAL is ready for anything…except losing his heart…

Lieutenant Amador “Stryker” Salas and his tight-knit Navy SEAL team are undercover on a Texas ranch and tasked with covert ops across the border. It’s an assignment that requires all their skills, all their secrets, and all their know-how.

Anya Gutierrez, the local veterinarian, has been serving the ranch for years. She loves the animals and ranching life, and Stryker finds her a breath of fresh air in his otherwise rigidly disciplined existence.

When Anya gets caught in the crosshairs of a mission gone sideways, Stryker must tell her the truth about who he really is, risking everything to keep her out of harm’s way, even if it destroys him…

Purchase Links:

She had just lifted her hand for the doorbell when the door was yanked open by a man who could have been Stryker’s brother. His skin was lighter, and while Stryker’s hair had a slight wave to it, this man’s hair was straight and cropped rather short. He was tall, and, in his simple T-shirt and jeans, his muscles were obvious. He looked at her, then smiled, though it seemed it wasn’t something he was used to doing.
“You must be the veterinarian,” he said, and held the door open a little farther. “Come in.”
A wave of cool, air-conditioned air welcomed her into the foyer, and her eyes drank in the beautiful architecture and design of the house. She couldn’t see anything that reminded her of the previous house. It was as if the entire place had been gutted, and they had started over.
“My name’s Phantom, by the way,” her door greeter said, extending his hand to her.
She smiled up at him as she shook his hand. “I’m Anya Gutierrez. Are you—do you live here now too?”
He nodded. “I’m here, along with Stryker and four other men. Buzz is the newbie to the ranching world, so if you see a guy who looks totally out of place, that’s him.”
Anya grinned at him. “I’m sure you’re going to educate him just fine.”
A sly smile crept across Phantom’s face, and Anya suddenly felt very sorry for Buzz. “Oh, yeah. Buzz is in good hands.”
The sound of boots on the hardwood floors came from somewhere within the house, and Stryker suddenly rounded the corner and faced both of them. He eyed Phantom for a moment, then turned his full attention on Anya. “Are you ready to go?”
He was dressed in a navy-blue button-down shirt and a pair of jeans that fit him perfectly. Anya felt like asking him to turn around so she could get the full picture. Good grief, this man is turning my mind to mush. She felt the heat of a blush burning her face. “Y-yes,” she stammered. “I’m ready to go.”
“Be back later,” he tossed over his shoulder to Phantom, as he opened the door and placed his hand at the small of Anya’s back, guiding her out the door in front of him.
The feel of his hand through the cotton of her polo shirt sent a small thrill through her. She had to remind herself to breathe as he escorted her to his F-250, which already had the gooseneck trailer attached to it. It was a big trailer, and she knew they’d be able to bring home at least ten or more calves. It would be a good addition to his current cattle, especially since he had about twenty-five head that were ready to be auctioned off to make room for some heartier heifers.
The ride to Kingsville was punctuated by the sounds of the latest country music coming through the radio. Anya had come prepared for the drive with her ledger and a stack of invoices she needed to record before mailing them out. Stryker had taken one look at her paperwork, raised an eyebrow, and then returned his eyes to the road.
They hadn’t talked since the first day she had met him, and only briefly when she had called to tell him about this sale. She’d hesitated even to call him, but she’d made a commitment. She hadn’t expected him to say yes.
They pulled up to the sale arena where the Kleberg-Kenedy County Junior Livestock Show was held every winter, and Anya remembered with fondness her years showing cattle and goats and even some turkeys. She had won the title of County Stock Show Queen when she was sixteen, and then had gone on to win the County Rodeo Queen when she was seventeen. She still had her tiaras and sashes.
“What on earth has put that look on your face?” Stryker asked. She realized at that moment they’d parked and she was still sitting in the truck with a goofy look on her face.
“Dreams,” she replied with a smile. “Haven’t you heard of them before, Stryker?”
Her quip at his expense seemed to take him by surprise. He shook his head at her, then left the truck. “Well, you’re about as much fun as getting a root canal,” Anya said to herself, before her door was yanked open and Stryker stood looking up at her impatiently.
She hopped down from the truck and instantly had to scramble to get her feet set right underneath her on the muddy ground. Suddenly Stryker’s muscular arm snaked around her waist, and he pulled her to him, holding her tight.
She was hit with the scent of his spicy cologne, leather, and man—pure, hearty man—and her hands immediately pressed against the front of his shirt as her feet settled beneath her. But her mind and body were far from settled.
He leaned down and the feeling of his lips brushing lightly against her ear caused her heart to thunder so hard, she was afraid it would beat out of her chest. “Just for your information, I can be far more fun than a root canal…You just have to know what to ask for.”

Excerpted from A SEAL Never Quits by Holly Castillo. © 2019 by Holly Castillo. Used with permission of the publisher, Sourcebooks Casablanca, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved.

About the author:

Holly Castillo lives on an80 acre ranch, surrounded by cattle during the day and hearing the howl of coyotes by night. She has endless inspiration for her writing. Holly’s romantic suspense series about heroic Navy SEALs is set in her own backyard of south Texas. She lives with her husband and two children just south of San Antonio. Visit her online at

Author Website: