
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Forever with the Mechanic by Allie York


Author: Allie York
Publication Date: August 2021
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I didn’t need to be rescued, but Dax wanted to save me anyway.
Joslyn’s life was in shambles. Just when she believes things are going her way, she finds herself jobless and homeless.
When Dax Thompson sees her sitting at the bar, alone, he knows he has to have her.
But Joslyn doesn’t want to be saved.
Dax has other plans though. Business and home owner, Dax realizes the only thing missing is a family.
And who better to have at his side than Joslyn Moore.
Falling into bed is the easy part, falling in love is a little harder.
Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

My thoughts:

Forever with the Mechanic features Joslyn and Dax.  When Dax sees Joslyn across the room at a dive bar, he knows had is the one for him.  He just has to convince Joslyn of that.  This one was just OK for me.  One thing I can say for this story is that the couple does have chemistry.  I did like that aspect. The bedroom scenes were extremely steamy.  As for the rest, my biggest issue was the short length.  I felt like their romance went from zero to 120 in 2 pages.  I get that  Dax was all in from the moment he saw Joslyn, but it was a bit over the top.  He basically gave her no room to breath and make a decision.  I wasn't a fan of that.  Had the story been longer, there would have been more space for them to build up to I Love You.  I also would have been able to connect with the characters more.  I felt like I knew nothing about them.   I still do recommend giving it a shot, especially if you love a lot of steam in the bedroom scenes.

Copyright 2021 @Allie York
Before I know what I’m doing, I’m outta my chair and striding across the bar. Everett says my name, but I just shake my head and keep walking. When I get to the stool next to her, I pause to take her in. Tight ass jeans, a sparkly top, and curves for fucking days. Turned toward the bartender, she doesn’t see me, but he does. He gives me a chin tip before vanishing and I lift one leg over the stool to sit next to her.
“Now don’t take this wrong, but you don’t really fit in here.” I lean in so she can hear me.
“No, not really.” She turns to me, and I’m hit with big, chocolate doe eyes and even fuller lips than I imagined.
“How’d you find yourself in O’Malley’s alone?” The bartender appears with another beer, and I thank him.
“A job.” She shrugs and mirrors me by lifting her glass. A job. No fucking way this little thing could make it in this place. The patrons would eat her alive. I bite back a laugh. “But I don’t think he’s very impressed.” She nods to the man delivering drinks across the bar. I think his name is Drake, but I don’t remember.
“Anyone not impressed with you is blind or wrong.” I wink at her and she smirks, still nursing the same beer.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were hitting on me.”
“Good thing you know better.” I put out a hand. “Dax.”  She slides her small, soft hand into mine.
“Joslyn. It’s very nice to meet you.” Before she slides her hand from mine I run my thumb over her knuckles, reveling in the softness.
“Nice to meet you, Joslyn. Now I have a question before we get better acquainted. Is there any reason you shouldn’t be talking to me alone in a bar?” I lean in, wanting, needing, to be closer to her. And hoping like hell she doesn’t have a man waiting for her somewhere.
“Nope. But who said we needed to be better acquainted?” Mischief lights those brown eyes and her tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip. Fuck me, I want to be the one licking that lip.
“I’m a nice guy. You seem like a nice girl. I think us getting acquainted sounds like a damn good idea.” I wink at her, and a pink blush starts at her chest and creeps up her neck to her cheeks. “What do you say? Wanna come join us over here?” Her eyes dart to my rowdy party behind us and her lips twist. I stand up and lean in close to her ear. “Don’t worry, none of them will lay a hand on you. You have my word.” Joslyn stands up, her head barely coming up to my shoulder, and looks up at me.


About Allie York
I'm a mom, wife, and dog groomer by day. At night I write contemporary romance. I love funny dog videos, I read naughty books, and drink too much coffee.
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Spotlight: Excerpt of Where I left Her by Amber Garza

Author: Amber Garza
ISBN: 9780778332060
Publication Date: August 24, 2021
Publisher: MIRA Books'

From the author of WHEN I WAS YOU comes a spine-tingling new thriller about a mother's worst nightmare come true, when she goes to pick up her daughter from a sleepover, and she's nowhere to be found.
Whitney had some misgivings when she dropped her increasingly moody teenage daughter off for a sleepover last night. She's never met the friend's parents, and usually she'd go in, but Amelia clearly wasn't going to let something so humiliating happen, so instead she waved to her daughter before pulling away from the cute little house with the rosebushes in front.
But when she goes back to get her, an elderly couple answers the door--Amelia and her friend are nowhere to be found, and this couple swears she's at the wrong house. As Whitney searches for Amelia, she uncovers a trail of secrets and lies her daughter has told her--from Finsta accounts to rumors of a secret relationship. Does she really even know this girl she's raised, and can she find her before it's too late?

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Enjoy this sneak peek:


FRIDAY, 5:00 P.M.


WHITNEY WANTED TO get rid of her daughter.

How awful is that?

Not forever, of course, but for the night. She was weary of the sixteen-year-old attitude. The rolling of eyes, stomping of feet, the judging glances and biting remarks.

That’s why she wasn’t paying as much attention as she should’ve been when dropping Amelia off at Lauren’s. Her mind was back in their apartment, her butt planted on the couch, bare feet propped on the table, a pint of ice cream in her lap.

“The destination is on your right.” She turned the steering wheel, following the instructions given by the disembodied voice of the GPS in her daughter’s phone. Amelia held it up, giving the illusion that her palm was talking. The house in front of them was nondescript. A tract home, painted tan with beige trim, a cream door, two large windows overlooking the narrow front walkway. The only thing that set it apart from the others was the row of rosebushes lining the left perimeter of the yard, scarlet red petals and thorny, jagged stems.

Whitney pulled her car over, tires hugging the curb.

Amelia hopped out the minute her mother’s foot pressed down on the brakes, as if she was desperate to be free of her.

“You sure this is her house?” Whitney asked.

Amelia shrugged, glancing down at her phone and then back up. “This is the address she gave me.” Her tone was impatient, irritated. That’s how she’d been lately. Distant and moody. Everything her mom said and did annoyed her.

Originally, she’d planned to walk Amelia up to the front door and meet Lauren’s mom. But on the way over here, Amelia had begged her not to do that, pointing out that she was no longer a little girl.

As much as Whitney hated to admit it, she could see her point. Amelia was sixteen. As soon as she finished her driver’s training and passed her test, she’d be driving on her own and then Whitney wouldn’t even have the option of dropping her off at her friend’s. It was time she learned to let go, loosen the death grip a little.

Instead of following her daughter, Whitney stayed inside the car, watching through the smudged glass of the passenger-side window. Amelia’s dark hair swished down her spine as she sped to the front door. When she reached it, she readjusted the blue overnight bag that was secured on her shoulder while lifting her other hand to knock.

Lauren appeared in the doorway, flashing a smile at Amelia. She wore a pink headband that made her look much younger than seventeen. Amelia peered over her shoulder before stepping forward, her lips curling at the corners as she threw her mom another wave. It was the largest grin Whitney had gotten in days, and she welcomed it, grabbed hold of it and then gave it back.

After watching them both disappear inside, Whitney pulled away from the curb. Without even looking in the rearview mirror, she sped toward her night of freedom, dreaming of a couch to herself and a movie Amelia couldn’t make fun of.

SATURDAY, 10:00 A.M.


Whitney had been up for hours, and still hadn’t heard from Amelia. Last night was restful. Quiet. Peaceful. All the things Whitney had wanted it to be. Much needed. But this morning she was suffering from a serious case of mom guilt. She missed her daughter. Was anxious for her to come home, attitude and all. Unlocking her phone, she shot her a quick text: Ready for me to pick you up?

Even after several minutes, no response came. Not that she was shocked. When Amelia had friends over, they stayed up all night giggling and talking. No matter how many times Whitney would remind them to keep it down, within minutes their muffled voices would return, drifting through the adjoining bedroom wall. Most likely, she’d done the same at Lauren’s and they were both still asleep.

The house smelled like Saturday morning—coffee, creamer, maple syrup.

French toast had been a weekend tradition for years. When Amelia was little, she’d wake up early and bound into her mom’s bedroom, eager for breakfast. But lately it seemed Whitney ate alone more often than not. Even when Amelia was home, there was no guarantee she’d join her. Amelia lived in her room, earbuds perpetually plugged in her ears, as if she’d grown another extremity. Still, Whitney couldn’t bring herself to stop the tradition altogether. The French toast would get eaten, even if it took a couple of days. Whitney didn’t mind leftovers, anyway. Not that she had many this morning. She’d gone for an extra-long jog and had been ravenous.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Whitney went back into her phone and clicked on the Snapchat app. Amelia may have been quiet around the house lately, but she had no problem sharing her life with the rest of the world. Whitney expected to be greeted by smiling selfies of her and Lauren, maybe some photos of the food they were eating, proof to all the other teenagers on social media that they were having a blast on their Friday night together. But nothing had been posted on her story in the last twenty-four hours.

With slick fingertips, Whitney closed out of Snapchat and checked Instagram. Nothing there either. A chill brushed over her neck, causing the hairs to stand on end. She shook the feeling away with an abrupt jerk of her head. Whitney had always been like this. Anxious. A worrier, especially when it came to Amelia. Perpetually thinking the worst. Amelia hated it. So had her ex-husband. It was one of the many things they fought about. And it was probably one of many reasons why Dan had ended up marrying that sunny, smiling, high-pitched preschool teacher. If Whitney had to take a guess, she’d say there were no skeletons in Miss Karen’s closet. No past indiscretions she was afraid of coming to light. No monsters from her past lurking around the corner.

No secret buried inside, so deep the roots had become invisible.

When Dan married Karen, Whitney remembered thinking how he had succeeded in finding someone completely opposite from her, just like he said he would. It didn’t take him long either. He’d met Karen less than a year after they’d split up. He and Karen were friends for a while, and then dated for several years before marrying.

That was how he always defended it.

We were friends first.

We took it slow.

But that was never the point. He should have made Amelia his priority. Whitney hadn’t dated at all while Amelia was growing up—she’d only started within the last couple of years. Once Amelia hit high school and started having a life of her own, Whitney figured it was time she did too.

Leaning against the counter, she stared out the kitchen window. There wasn’t a view. The window overlooked the apartment across the way. A man stood in his kitchen, his back to Whitney as he drank coffee. His build vaguely reminded Whitney of Jay, and it made her smile.

Going into her last text thread with him, she typed, I miss you.

Then she bit her lip. Too forward? Too soon?

They’d been dating for a couple of months, and he’d only been on an overnight business trip. He was returning later today. She didn’t want to come on too strong.

Backspace. Delete. She tried again: Hope your trip was good.

Too formal?

Whitney paused, thinking.

Why am I making this so hard?

She really liked Jay. That was the problem. He was the first guy in a long time she felt hopeful about. Usually by month two of dating someone, the red flags popped up and her interest waned. That hadn’t happened yet with Jay.

Turns out, she didn’t need to stress over what to text. Jay beat her to it.

Boarding the plane now. Will call you when I’m back, he texted.

Sounds good, she responded.

It was 10:30. There were a million things on the agenda today and waiting around for Amelia wasn’t one of them.

After hitting the grocery store and Target, Whitney swung by Lauren’s, using the memory of how they’d gotten there yesterday as her guide. It was a little tricky, since she hadn’t paid enough attention to Amelia’s directions yesterday, but after a few minutes of circling the neighborhood, she came upon a familiar street and turned on it. A couple of houses in, she recognized the rosebushes.

It had been well over an hour since she’d sent the last text to Amelia. Although there hadn’t been any response yet, Whitney was sure she was up by now. Probably hoping to buy more time with her friend.

Whitney had gotten Amelia a bag of gummy worms. She pulled it out of one of the grocery bags. It crinkled as she set it on the passenger seat. Amelia probably wouldn’t even eat them. Certainly, they didn’t fit within the parameters of her latest diet, but, still, Whitney couldn’t resist. Whitney’s habit of picking up treats at the store had started back when Amelia was a toddler, when she’d surprised her with a bag of cookies one afternoon when picking her up from preschool. Whitney would never forget how wide Amelia’s eyes got, how broad her smile became as she clutched the little bag. A lot of things may have changed between them over the past few years, but Whitney didn’t want that to be one of them.

After getting out of the car, she slipped the key ring around her finger and walked up the front walkway, flip-flops slapping on the pavement. It was a warm, spring day. Kids played outside a few houses down. A lawnmower kicked on. A couple rode their bikes past, bright neon helmets bouncing up and down like beach balls bobbing in the waves. Amelia used to love to ride bikes. For a while, it had been a weekend tradition. Whitney couldn’t remember the last time they’d hit the trails together, but she made a note to ask her about it. Most likely her answer would be a big resounding no, coupled with the same cringey, horrified look she had whenever Whitney suggested they hang out. Still, it was worth a shot. Sometimes Amelia surprised her with a yes, reminding Whitney of the girl she used to be before the teenage monster took over.

When Whitney reached the door, she lifted her hand to knock the same way she’d watched Amelia do the day before. A minute passed and no one answered. That funny feeling returned, but she shoved it down, feeling silly.

She knocked again, this time so hard it stung her knuckles. The girls were probably listening to music or something. Or maybe they were in the backyard. It was a nice day. Ears perked, she listened for the sound of her daughter’s voice or of music playing inside. Hearing neither of those, she frowned.

Finally, Whitney caught the hint of footsteps inside.

The door creaked open, an older woman peering out, eyebrows raised. She looked to be in her late sixties, maybe early seventies.

Whitney was taken aback. She’d never met Lauren’s mom, but there was no way this was her. Maybe Lauren’s grandparents lived with them. Recently, Whitney had watched a news report about how the cost of living had gone up, causing multigenerational homes to become a growing trend. And Lauren had mentioned that her parents were divorced. Whitney knew firsthand how financially taxing it was to raise a child alone.

“Hi, I’m Whitney. Amelia’s mom.” Smiling, Whitney jutted out her hand.

But the elderly woman just stared at it, not saying a word. She glanced over her shoulder where a man around her same age stood. He furrowed his brows and stepped forward. Whitney’s body tensed.

Maybe she’s got dementia or Alzheimer’s or something. Whitney caught the old man’s eyes. “Hi, I’m Amelia’s mom. She spent the night here.”

“Nope. Not here.” Shaking his head, he came closer. “You must have the wrong house. They all kinda look the same in this neighborhood.”

Whitney glanced around. Hadn’t she thought the same thing yesterday? She must’ve turned down the wrong street or something.

Face warming, she backed away from the door. “I’m so sorry to have bothered you.”

“No bother at all,” the man said, and the woman offered a kind smile.

Whitney turned on her heels and made her way back to the car. She turned on the ignition and pulled away from the curb. The couple had already disappeared inside. Whitney drove to the main street and turned right. When she came up on another street, she turned onto it. The man was right. There were lots of houses that looked like theirs. She pulled up in front of one, scanning the yard.

Nope. No roses.

That’s what had set the other house apart. The one she dropped Amelia off at.

She moved farther down the street, carefully looking to the right and to the left, searching for a one-story house, roses lining the perimeter. Coming up empty, she swung the car around. Maybe her mistake had been turning right at the main street.

Backtracking, this time Whitney turned left.

This street was almost identical to the other two she’d just been down. Same tract homes. Manicured lawns. Shuttered windows. A sea of tan paint and beige trim. The odd red door or colorful lawn art. But, again, no roses. At least, not in the correct spot.

Turning onto another street, she finally found it. The simple house. The roses lining the side.

After parking in front, she leaped out and hurried to the front door. It was answered after only a couple of knocks.

She gasped, taking in the elderly man standing in the doorway. The same one she’d just spoken to a few moments ago.

Oh, my God.

She’d ended up right back where she’d started. As she backed away from the door, apologizing profusely, she took in the shuttered windows, the manicured lawn, the roses lining the perimeter of the yard. Peering back at her car, she envisioned Amelia in the front seat holding her phone, the voice of the GPS speaking in her palm.

There was almost no doubt in Whitney’s mind—this was where she’d left her.

Excerpted from Where I Left Her by Amber Garza, Copyright © 2021 by Amber Garza. Published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

Author Bio: 
Amber Garza has had a passion for the written word since she was a child making books out of notebook paper and staples. Her hobbies include reading and singing. Coffee and wine are her drinks of choice (not necessarily in that order). She writes while blaring music, and talks about her characters like they're real people. She lives with her husband and two kids in Folsom, California.
Social Links:
Author Website
Twitter: @ambermg1
Instagram: @AmberGarzaAuthor
Facebook: @AmberGarzaAuthor

Monday, August 30, 2021

Blog Tour: Review & Excerpt of Overdoses in Olympia by Troy Lambert & Stuart Gustafson


Author: Troy Lambert, Stuart Gustafson
Narrator: Joseph L. Stevenson
Length: 1 hours 59 minutes
Publisher: Troy Lambert2020
Genre: Mystery; Travel
Series: Capital City Murders, Book 1
Release date: Jun. 8, 2020

Nick O’Flannigan thought he was just starting out on a freelance photography assignment. 

But when he arrives in Olympia, he learns that there have been two overdoses in hospitals in the last week, both seemingly connected. With his keen eye for detail, he notices something in the photos that no one else sees. 

But how will he, an out of town photographer and amateur sleuth, get that information to the right authorities before another patient dies?
“A good whodunnit read.” (John Hussar)

You won’t find the answer until the very end of this powerful pause-resister of a travel mystery. If you love Jack McEvoy, you’ll love this debut in the Capital City Murders series.

Buy Links for Audiobook #1
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My thoughts:

Overdoses in Olympia is the first in a trio of mystery novellas.  They feature Nick a photographer who is traveling from US capital to US capital to take photographs for a magazine.  On his first stop, Olympia, Washington, he gets caught up in a mystery surrounding mysterious overdoses at the local hospital.

I quite enjoyed this quick story.  It's kind of like a 5 minute mystery.  Nick stumbles on a clue and ends up being the person to solve the mystery. I also liked Nick's character.  He was interesting and someone I look forward to following on his journey across the country.  The narrator was also enjoyable to listen to.  Stay tuned, I'll be reviewing the next mystery in September.  This time in Salem, Oregon.  I do recommend this one if you are in the mood for a quick audiobook, maybe for your daily commute.

About the Author: Troy Lambert

“Making the world a better place by telling stories and helping others share theirs.”
Troy Lambert is a freelance writer, author, editor, and publisher who has dreamed of writing books since he was a young boy. He wrote his first book, George and the Giant Castle, when he was six years old. After being told by teachers, counselors, and many people around him that writing was a great hobby, but not a great way to make a living, Troy explored other money-making options.
After nearly three decades amassing a collection of name tags, hairnets, and various careers, he finally found the way to fulfill his dream of writing full-time and making a living at it. He currently has written nearly thirty books including ghostwriting projects. 
Troy lives, works, and plays in Boise, Idaho with his wife and a pack of very talented dogs who are occasionally enlisted to write blog posts and book blurbs. You can learn more about his work at and more about the series at 

About the Narrator: Joseph L. Stevenson

Joseph has always been fascinated by literature and the stories it creates. This storytelling eventually led him to acting. He has spent the last several years in the Treasure Valley acting with Encore Theatre in Nampa, River City Entertainment and Boise Little Theatre in Boise, and the Thunder Mountain Line in Horseshoe Bend. Aside from gunslingers and murder mystery detectives, favorite roles include John Proctor from The Crucible, Benedick from Much Ado about Nothing, George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life, Hamlet in Hamlet, and Edmund in King Lear. An avid Shakespeare fan, Joseph has taught English Literature and Theatre Arts at Vallivue High School since 2005. There is always another story to be told.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Books I DNF'd in August

Dream Girl
:  I was looking forward to a good psychological thriller.  Instead I got a  bore fest with an extremely unlikable character.  I just couldn't root for this guy.  I couldn't relate to him.  I made it about 30% and had to give up.

The Good Girls:  I think for once I would love to have a HS book that depicts accurate teens in HS.  I hated every character in this book.  I didn't like the bi representation.  Being bi doesn't make cheating OK.  It just makes you a cheater.  I found nothing remotely believable in this book.  I made it about 60% and gave up.

Safe in Her Arms
:  I was really disappointed in this one because I love this author.  I couldn't get into it.  Again, what is with the extremely unlikable characters?  I need someone to root for. Every mother in this book was horrible.  I couldn't buy into anything that was happening.  

Where the Truth Lies: I only made it in about 15% and knew I would not like this book.  I think the theme of this month was DNFing books with horrible characters.  How a tiny town could have so many of them is beyond me.  I had no interest in finishing.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Review: Stronger Than You Know by Lori Foster

Author: Lori Foster
Publisher: Harlequin
Publication Date: August 2021

Their secrets run deep, but desire runs deeper…

Kennedy Brooks has spent years learning how to protect herself, and empowering other women to do the same. Still, there are some hazards that can’t be predicted. That includes Reyes McKenzie, who owns her local gym. Strong, capable, and watchful, he seems like the one man who might understand her past. For once, Kennedy is tempted to let her guard down—something she’s vowed never to do.

The moment petite, fiercely determined Kennedy walked into his gym, Reyes knew that she carried secrets. What he didn’t expect was that she could tell the same about him. When trouble tracks her down, she turns to Reyes, unleashing a maelstrom of protective instinct and mutual desire. But will her need for him end when the danger does, or will they take the ultimate risk—on each other?

Stronger Than You Know is the second book in the McKenzie family series. This one is Reyes and Kennedy's story.  When Kennedy's past comes looking for her, she reaches out to the one person she thinks she can trust.  Reyes has been intrigued with Kennedy since she stepped foot in his gym.  He is very eager to help her in her time of need. 

I loved this one.  It has the perfect balance of romance, intrigue, humor and action.  I loved Reyes and how he was so alpha toward Kennedy. Yet he respected her choices and could see strength in her that she didn't always see in herself.  I had to admire Kennedy for turning her tragedy at a young age into a positive as an adult.  They were a perfect fit.  The other thing I love about this series is the McKenzie family and how they interact with each other.  I cannot wait for Madison's story.  I have a feeling Crosby doesn't realize what he is getting himself into!    I highly recommend this one!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Blog Tour: Review of When it Comes to You by Melissa Toppen


Author: Melissa Toppen
Release Date: August 27, 2021
Genre: Second Chance Romance (standalone)
Eight years ago I ran. I ran from my parents. I ran from my pain. I ran from him…
I never wanted to go back. If not for my best friend’s wedding, I likely never would have.
The plan was simple. Get in. Get out. Easy as that.
Only I should have known nothing is ever that simple.
Especially when Westin Carver is involved.
He broke my heart once. Or rather, he completely annihilated it.
And I have no doubt that if given the chance, he’d do it all over again.
But even knowing that, it doesn’t change the way I crave him.
The way my body reacts to him.
The way one touch completely obliterates the wall I built between us.
But when it comes to Westin not everything is as it seems.
They say love is blind. In my case, love is blinding.
Because I should have seen what was coming next…
And I didn’t.
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My thoughts:

When it comes to you is an emotional second chance romance.  It features Scarlett and Westin.  THey were high school sweethearts until Westin leaves suddenly for college without telling Scarlett why.  It's been ten years and a chance encounter at a wedding brings back all of the emotions Scarlett thought she let go.  

I did enjoy this one.  I loved Scarlett and her willingness to not put up with anything less than she deserved.  Even if it meant walking away form the man she loved. I cheered her on in that scene with her father! Westin needed to do a lot to win me over.  His grand gesture though at the end left me with good feeling that this couple would make it.  I definitely recommend this one.

Blog Tour: Excerpt of The Debt by Quinn Miller


Series: Portland Social
Author: Quinn Miller
Release: August 12, 2021
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Kat Savage
For Gretchen Holt, it was barely a debt.
It wasn’t something she thought about, day in and day out. She didn’t feel she was owed a single thing in this life—she learned that early on.
She wanted something, though.
That something else went by the name of Chase Carmichael. The very man who’d taken possession of her heart, years ago.
He just didn’t know it.
He also wasn’t supposed to know about the worst night of her life, let alone witness it.
But he did.
For Chase, it was the debt of all debts. The thing he lived for, on a mission to make things right between them.
He didn’t want to believe a secret could destroy so much—let alone the same girl he so desperately wants to save.
Will the perfect time ever come for them, or will his attempt at payback make them both sorry they ever tried to begin with?
Buy Links (Kindle Unlimited:
“What was your peach and pit of your day, Chase?”
“My what?” He looks down at me curiously. Chase is six-foot-three to my five-foot-three.
“Your peach, the good part of your day. And every peach has a pit, a bad part. Or maybe a part of your day you wish went differently. But the peach is the good part. I want to know what your peach for the day was.”
He looks out to the ocean for what feels like eternity but is probably less than twenty seconds.
My heartbeat skips. It feels like something is about to happen.
“My pit is I wish I got here earlier.” He looks at me, taking his hands from his pockets as he reaches over and pulls my hood up. His hands drop from my face but his eyes stay on me, catching every reaction to him. “And my peach, that’s easy, G. Right now, with you.”

In the Series:
The Bet
Author Bio:

Quinn Miller lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two daughters, and a crazy dog who her family calls her boyfriend. She loves to write stories that make readers feel, with a dash of spice added in.
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