The Vessel-I love this series, you'd think I'd eat it right up. Maybe it was burn out. It was a novella too! You'd think I could just suck it up and listen to a few hours, but I just really wasn't feeling this. Hopefully, I'll be over it before the next book is out.
The Stonehenge Letters-I was really confused by this book. I was expecting a book about Stonehenge. A book about famous people and their theories about Stonehenge. A fiction book. This IS that. However, it didn't read like that. I felt like I was reading a non-fiction book the whole time. Really, I felt like I was reading a text book. I don't read non-fiction for a reason, it's like work...and this book was like work to understand.
The Blessed-I just don't get Tonya Hurley. I tried the Ghostgirl books and didn't like them. I decided to give Blessed a try. I don't care for her style of writing at all. It's just very disturbing. For me, that's saying a lot. It really really is.
Landline-I guess Rainbow Rowell was going to have to hit a speed bump eventually. I loved her first 2 books, they were awesome. I got about halfway through and the whole magic phone to the past was getting really weird. I kept looking at all the other books I'd rather be reading and decided, I had enough and it was time to move on.
I loved the first book,
The Paladin Prophecy, which is the first book in the series. I'm not sure what happened, but I just couldn't finish
Alliance, the sequel. I got about 30% in and was so bored. Nothing was really happening and I'm not sure I really remembered enough from the first one to care. I'm really disappointed.
I don't usually read non-fiction books. I usually get bored and end up skimming

Little Demon in the City of Light: A True Story of Murder and Mesmerism in Belle Epoque Paris was no exception. Apparently, there was a murder in Paris in the late 1800s. The woman who participated in the murder claimed she was hypnotized at the time. But, the book just couldn't hold my interest enough to see how it all worked out. I would have been better off going on to one of those true crime websites and reading a short summary of the case.

I was really excited to read
Bellman & Black. I loved
The Thirteenth Tale, so I was hoping that this one would be just as good. I was really sad when I decided to stop reading. I got about 1/3 of the way through and I was so bored. The story seemed to have no real direction with really dull characters. I just couldn't finish the book. Maybe The Thirteenth Tale was a one hit wonder for this author?

I got about 1/4 of the way into
The Bookstore and I had to turn it off. In the first few chapters, Mitchell, Esme's boyfriend berates and degrades Esme and is basically a major douchbag. I couldn't see why anyone would want to date him at all. Esme is a PhD student from England who starts dating the guy and finds out she is pregnant. Well, at first she thinks she is either pregnant or really horny and just wants to get pregnant. She can't decide which. After reading about her getting off by using her toothbrush (um, ew), I just wasn't interested in going any further.
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